Creativity in Elementary School Students Solve Multiplication Problem Based on Gender Differences

Authors : F.X. Eko Suroyo, Siti M. Amin, Agung Lukito

Volume/Issue : Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 8 - August

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This research aims to describe the creativity of students in solving the problem of multiplication based on gender differences. The research subject is a sixth grade students of Saint Carolus Elementary School, Surabaya. Data collection is done with interviews and working on the multiplication problem test, which has been validated with the results worth use. The results showed that: (1) Analysis obtained from written and interview tests, masculine type, elementary students have three indicators of creativity. This masculine type has the fluency of working on the story problems and the open multiplication problems, because it can answer correctly more than one correct answer. This masculine type also has the flexibility of working on the story and an open multiplication problem because it can work more than one way right. This masculine type also demonstrates the novelty of working on the story. (2) The analysis gained from written tests and interviews, Feminine type, elementary students have three indicators of creativity. This feminine type has the fluency in working on the story and the open multiplication problem, because it can answer correctly more than one correct answer. This feminine type also has the flexibility of working on the story and an open multiplication problem because it can work more than one way right. This feminine type also demonstrates the novelty of working on the story.

Keywords : Creativity, Elementary School Students, Multiplication Issues, Gender.


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