Critical use of language in literary texts can
manifest the expression of political consciousness through
the styles deployed by individual literary authors.
Previous studies have phenomenologically looked at these
from angles of pragmatics, discourse analysis and
stylistics but have not significantly examined the
manifestation of political consciousness in Nigerian
literary texts within the framings of Critical Stylistics.
Thus, this study investigates a critical stylistic analysis of
political consciousness in Osofisan’s Morountodun to
know the stylistic dictations of meaning in the text. With
the deployment of Lesley Jeffries’s Critical Stylistic
Theory (CS) as the theoretical framework, 14 excerpts
from the text were put to analysis. While excerpts 1,2,3,4
and 5 were analysed with the CS tool of 'Naming and
Describing’ through labelling, 6,7,8,9,10 and 11
underwent ‘Representing Actions/Events/States' with its
principles of transitivity processes and 12, 13 and 14
deployed the tool of 'Speech and Thought Representation'
using direct speech essentially. The study reveales the use
of these CS tools for the expression of rebellion, labelling
and direct condemnation of political corruption and
imposition, all of which are ideologically loaded. The
study, thus, concludes that in the expression of political
consciousness in Morountodun, Osofisan manifests more
of ‘Naming and Describing’ and ‘Representing’ tool than
the ‘Speech and Thought Representation to strategically
express and label socio-political situations of rebellion
against the government, direct attack by the masses
against corrupt leadership and condemnation of political
imposition. Tools of Critical Stylistics aid representation
and labelling of words and thoughts by the author to exert
ideologies to construct meaning(s) within socio-political
Keywords : Political Consciousness, Critical Stylistics, Morountodun, Literary Discourse.