Crowd Safety Management System

Authors : Sreeharish Rajan A R; Senthil Pitchappan V; Servin Joshuva V; Omprakash P

Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 3 - March

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Crowd Management is a very important factor especially during a time like this, where the world is collapsing due to a pandemic on rise. Crowds always cause a commotion and difficulty to move through an area, this problem can be solved easily by automation at gateways where the crowd can be moved according to the clearance in the traffic ahead. To make crowd management easy we process image and video in order to count people and manage them. This system also has various uses in similar automated management fields. In our thesis we capture the images and videos of the crowd and we process it to find the emotions and also behavior tagging of individuals. We are also able to find whether the crowd are following social distancing and mask detection mandated and if not, the software provides prompt to the admin. This Crowd Management process would make things very much easy for police men and security guards who often control crowds.

Keywords : Image Processing, Video Processing, Flask Web Framework, Webcam, TensorFlow, Keras, Machine Learning, Open CV


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