Cultural Identity Reflection of Makassar Ethnic on Statue Tomb of Kompleks Makam Raja-Raja Binamu in Jeneponto Regency

Authors : Nurul Adliyah Purnamasari; Rosmawati; Khadijah Tahir Muda

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 12 - December

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The statue tomb as a cultural product during the Islamic civilization era in the Makassar ethnic area is a cultural influence from the megalithic period, a period marked by the tradition of erecting large stone monuments. In its development, megalithic culture continued to influence and integrate with Islamic culture. This can be seen from the transition from the culture of menhir statues to statues in the Tomb of Kompleks Makam Raja-Raja Binamu. This research itself was conducted as an effort to find out the cultural values that are reflected in the statues tomb of Kompleks Makam Raja-Raja Binamu. There are several stages of research carried out, starting with literature study, field study, processing data which is consists with the process of analysis of morphology, ethnography and history, and the last is the process of data interpretation. Based on the results of literature, it was found that there were five statue tombs are belonging to Karaeng Palengkei Daeng Lagu, Karaeng Pasi, and Karaeng Gossea Bombang along with slaves, as well as unnamed statue tomb. However, based on the results of field data collection, currently, only one statue remains, which belongs to Karaeng Palengkei Daeng Lagu. Based on the results of the analysis that has been carried out, it was found that some cultural values are reflected in it, namely the use of songkok which reflects simplicity and toughness, social strata, nationalist and religious leadership. The second identity is a symbol of kekaraengan, for the people of Jeneponto; this title is intended for a nobleman with noble character and devotion to worship and symbolizes a leader.

Keywords : Statue Tomb; Menhir Statue; Cultural Identity; Makassar Ethnic; Jeneponto


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