The objectives of this study are to study the
basics of climate change in schools in Nakhon
Ratchasima city, develop and evaluate educational
curriculum. It is a mixed research method. Phase 1 was
quantitative research, the sample consisted of 261 school
administrators and teachers. The instrument was a
questionnaire. Data was analyzed by finding the mean
and standard deviation. Phase 2 is qualitative research,
educational curriculum development. Phase 3 is
qualitative research, curriculum assessed by a group
discussion of 7 experts. The results show that 1) teachers'
need for climate change for the incidence of COVID2019 in knowledge and skills were PNI = 0.12 while
attitudes were PNI = 0.11, 2) The development of the
educational curriculum consists of 5 components: 2.1)
Principle and rationale, 2.2) Objectives, 2.3) Content;
Unit 1 Knowledge of Coronavirus Disease – 2019; Unit 2
Corona Infectious Disease Prevention and Surveillance –
2019; Unit 3 Learning in the Post-Coronavirus World –
2019, 4) Learning Management, and 5) Measurement
and Evaluation. 3) Results of curriculum evaluation
showed the highest values were in appropriateness,
feasibility, and usefulness. Suggestion for policy
implications is that schools should take measures to take
care of the community in the service area.
Keywords : Curriculum on Education, Priority Needs Index, Incidence of COVID-2019