Cytoarchitecture of Oculomotor Nucleus in the Buffalo (Bubalus bubalis)

Authors : N. S. Sunilkumar, K.V. Jamuna, R.V. Pradsad.

Volume/Issue : Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 5 - May

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The cytoarchitecture of the oculomotor nucleus in the buffalo has been described by materials collected from eight buffalos. Nissl and myelin stained serial and semi serial sections of brain stem were used for the study. The motor nucleus of oculomotor nerve was comprised of small and medium sized multipolar neurons while the parasympathetic nucleus was composed primarily of small and medium sized fusiform cells. The mean neuron population in the right and left motor nucleus of oculomotor nerve was 26,660 and 26,490 respectively and there was no significant difference in the neuron population of the left and right nuclei of the same specimen. The mean neuron population in the parasympathetic nucleus was 18,834. It was found that both the motor and sympathetic division of oculomotor nuclei was better developed in the buffalo. The structural variations that are present in buffalo when compared with other species are may be an expression of the evolutionary adaptations of the species to its environment.

Keywords : Cytoarchitecture, Oculomotor Nucleus, Buffalo.


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