Damage Analyzing of Cargo Sidewall Boeing 737-800 in Cargo Restoration Process Using DMAIC Method at Aircraft Maintenance and Repair Company

Authors : Viki Aprianto; Erry Rimawan; Putri Gunanti; Irfan Setyo

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 8 - August

Google Scholar : http://bitly.ws/9nMw

Scribd : https://bit.ly/3bMCvFk

DOI : 10.38124/IJISRT20AUG613

PT. GMF AeroAsia Tbk, is an aircraft repair and maintenance company, at the beginning of semester 2019 the base maintenance department found significant damage of 75 ea on the cargo side wall components during the process of cargo compartment restoration, on the basis that the writer tried to find the causes and gave suggestions for improvement using DMAIC method approach. After being analyzed using a fishbone diagram, the factors causing damage are due to lack of skill and knowledge, lack of tools, poor material quality, wrong methods, and poor lighting. After being analyzed by FMEA, lack of skills and knowlage became the dominant cause with the largest RPN value of 173. The proposed improvements given were to schedule training and conduct mentoring programs in the field, the aim being to increase skills and knowlage transfer.

Keywords : DMAIC, FMEA, Fishbone Diagram, Parreto Diagram.


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