Data Privacy: Governance of the Hidden Dimension

Authors : Dr. Fernando Wangila

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 4 - April

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Data privacy looks at the authorized access of data by defining it in terms of the person who has access to which data, and who does not have access to the same data. Data privacy is wholly dependent on data protection, since one cannot guarantee the privacy of particular data when the same data is not protected by efficient technology. This thus puts data protection as an essential element of data privacy. Data protection laws and regulations are very critical in ensuring data protection because they give guidance on the best practices when it comes to individuals, organizations and the government on how to consume personal data of citizens, thus regulating how personal data is processed. However, governance of such data suffers from a lot of uncertainties, emanating from factors such as technological advancements, inefficiencies in Trans National Data Protection Laws, privacy not being an absolute right, compliance challenges such as lack of ethics, technological convergence and globalization.


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