Daytime activity patterns and mother infant interaction of rhesus monkey Macaca mulatta in Yangon Zoological Garden were investigated during July, 2016 to January, 2017. Observation was also conducted on mother-infant relationship during the study period: the categories of observed behaviour revealed the durations to be bodily contact (16.28%), within arm (17.04%), playing (47.74%), grooming (12.28%), restraining (2.96%) and rejection (3.10%) during the observation time. The frequency and duration of playing behaviour were predominant in infant – mother pair compared to other behaviours. The frequency of within arm was second highest. However, bodily contact and within arm behaviours gradually declined monthly with the infants age. Playing and grooming behaviour were more frequently observed. Although restraining behavior by mother declined, rejection behaviour appeared to become more discreet from 1-2 month infant’s age to 78 month of age. Restraining behaviour had a negative correlation whereas rejection behaviour was positively correlated with the infant’s age.
Keywords : Daytime Activity; Rhesus Monkey; MotherInfant; Behavioural Patterns.