Deciphering COVID-19: A Review on Efforts of Life Science in Sustaining Life

Authors : Sourav Kumar Das, Sarthak Sahoo, Priyanka Samantaray

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 4 - April

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One of the most terrifying words nowadays is COVID-19 (short for Corona Virus Disease-2019) even more devastating is its effect on the total world where people are still shocked under its killing spree. The rate of mortality and the number of cases is going skywards, with no sign of respite. In this 21st century era we are at an advantage because of the different technological advancements at our disposal. Scientific discoveries and innovations are increasing along with it the viruses are also evolving which is one of the major concerns in today’s world. In this paper we will try to peep deeper into the COVID-19 and epidemiology that should be known relating to it. The science behind its replication and virulence efficiency has been dealt at some length along with transmission efficiency. Favorable conditions required for the virus’ replication has also been discussed to some extent. More emphasis has been given to explain the anti-pandemic strategies, which explain how to curb its spread and the different mechanisms that are explored to treat it. Multiple drugs and vaccines that are undergoing trials have also been presented by us. This paper is our conscious bit of effort to put some stress on making people aware of the seriousness of the matter at stake and deciphering Coronavirus.

Keywords : Recognition COVID-19, Epidemiology, virulence proteins, a new approach on vaccine and BCG study, transmission serial number, anti-pandemic strategies, eINDs, plasma therapy, LOCKDOWN.


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