Authors : Mustika Sari; Raden Didiet Rachmat Hidayat; Basri Fahriza; Lut Mafrudhoh
Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 9 - September
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DOI : 10.38124/IJISRT20SEP672
In facing the competition of skilled labor
between ASEAN member countries, Indonesia needs a
quality workforce that is competitive. With good quality,
the country's human resources are ready to compete in
the ASEAN labor market. The purpose of this research
is to find the best strategy that can be carried out by
tertiary institutions in facing competition with other
tertiary institutions to create graduates who can be
absorbed in the industry. The research method uses the
analytical hierarchy process (AHP). The model uses
human perceptions that are considered experts in their
fields and best understand the problems faced by the
company and used literature review. The results of the
study, three aspects become alternative strategies to
support the sustainability of tertiary institutions in
supporting the transportation and logistics industry,
namely aspects of cooperation in the transportation and
logistics industry, aspects of cooperation with overseas
universities, and aspects of licensed international
training certification. Of the three aspects, international
training certification is the most important aspect of the
strategy of supporting the sustainability of higher
education institutions
Keywords : Sustainability, Higher Education, Analytical Hierarchy Process