Defect Analysis of Building Construction Works Building in Surabaya with Six Sigma Method.

Authors : Wawan Kristanto, I Putu Artama Wiguna.

Volume/Issue : Volume 3 - 2018, Issue 7 - July

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In the process of construction defect issue work hard to avoid even happens repeatedly, it causes swelling of the cost and time of implementation. In a previous study concluded that the cost of repairs due to defects employment of 4% of the value of construction contracts. The purpose of this study is to identify the types of defects based on the level of sigma and analyze variables and simulating the cause of defect repair recommendations for improving sigma level. In identifying and analyzing defects used six sigma method work through several stages of the Define, Measure, Analysis, Improve and Control. The results of this study showed 14 types of defect construction work, from some defect that there are two types of defects jobs require increased sigma level, because it is below the level of three sigma. The first defect type is a porous structure with concrete columns sigma level of 2.75 and a variable that has a high influence is less than perfect compaction when casting. The second type is the distance point defect piles not according to plan with sigma levels 2,86 and variables that most influence is the lack of communication with the consultant planner and owner. Based on the simulation recommendation defect corrective action on concrete columns porous structure, resulting in improved sigma level of 3.63 when the eighth recommendation implemented. At the distance of a point defect pile foundation is not according to plan, after the simulation of recommendations for improvement sigma level to 3.48.

Keywords : building construction work defects; six sigma level; quality function deployment; Monte Carlo simulation.


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