Defects Reduction in a Pump Manufacturing Industry Using Six Sigma Methodologies


Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 1 - January

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Six Sigma is used for produce high-quality products with the low cost. This research defines a stepby-step guide, using the DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyse, Improve, and Control) methodology. Also the effectiveness of the DMAIC has been calculated with a case study carried out in a south Indian industry. This methodology is mainly used to recognize the hidden waste and costs, identify and eliminate defects, increase profit margins, increase the employee’s level of commitment and fulfillment, on time delivery and in turn to improve customer satisfaction. In this research, the prime focus is on improving customer satisfaction in the pump manufacturing industry. This study mainly used on employee job fulfillment and executing Six Sigma is also studied. It shows that members of Six Sigma have experienced positive changes in most job fulfillment measures. Implications of the evaluation investigated with direction for further action of the company. In pump manufacturing industry, during manufacturing of submersible pump ovality occurs in pump sleeve. The manufacturing process of pump sleeve consists of following process, metal cutting, rolling, tig welding, plunging, ring welding, slotting and buffing. Here ovality problem occurs during the welding followed by plunging operation. To neglect this ovality problem, instead of welding followed by plunging operation deep drawing operation is suggested.

Keywords : Pump Sleeve,Six Sigma System, Welding Operation.


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