Delimitation of Anxiety Disorder with Panic Attacks and Therapeutic Considerations for Approach

Authors : Dalaal Rosario Cruz López; Bárbara Muñoz Alonso Reyes

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 8 - August

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DOI : 10.38124/IJISRT20AUG072

One of the most acute mental health problems in recent years is anxiety disorders, where panic disorder is the most invalidating and suffering expression on the part of the sufferer. The research in this regard is extensive, from its causes and neurobiological expressions, through the pharmacology of its treatment and the usefulness of psychotherapy in the treatment and accompaniment of the patient. However, the divergences in the choice of psychotherapeutic current to use in these cases, makes it difficult to approach the theoretical causes of the problem, as well as the solution. This article aims to clarify the diagnostic and theoretical differences between panic disorders and other expressive disorders of pathological anxiety, in addition to conducting a longitudinal study of the treatment of patients diagnosed with severe anxiety, known as panic, with a humanist cutting therapy with cognitive-behavioral elements, finding their level of elevated efficacy, 80% of cases evaluated are resolved are resolved , in terms of remission of symptoms, in a time less than or equal to 10 months, assessing the patient's perception of the most useful intervention parts and the periodicity affordable for them.

Keywords : Psychology, Anxiety, Panic Attacks, Psychotherapy, Anxiety Therapy.


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