Demonstrating Predictive Analytics in a Sample of Coronary Artery Disease Patients

Authors : Dr (PT). Tania Mahapatra.

Volume/Issue : Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 4 - April

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Predictive analysis is using the big data from health care for analyzing and forecasting an occurrence or an event. It is fast gaining popularity and opening many avenues for health care industry, especially assisting clinicians in decision making. The technology involves running the historical data through a suitable algorithm to create a predictive model which then can be applied on sample data. This paper illustrates using predictive analytics in cardiac patients. Coronary Artery Disease is one of the major causes of adult mortality that is due to narrowing of blood vessels supplying the heart and is associated with abnormal levels of fasting sugar, cholesterol, heart rate, blood pressure etc. The objective of the study is to analyze the physiological parameters through a predictive model and ascertain whether a sample population of cardiac patients are having lumen narrowing or not.

Keywords : Predictive Analytics, Health Data Analytics, Big Data, CAD.


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