Dependency and Position of Rural Elderly People in Family

Authors : Mt. Tania Mahzabin; Md. Aminul Islam

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 6 - June

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Dependency and elderly are very much related terms and both of the two concepts are now emerging aspects of all over the world. Although both in rural and urban areas of our country are not secure from this problem but elderly and dependency problems in rural areas are more vulnerable. This study was a qualitative scrutiny in the field of sociology which is mainly explored the dependency level and the relationship among dependency and position (role and status) of the rural elders in their family. A methodological triangulation of data sources helped to pick up information that was analyzed qualitatively as well as statistically. A purposive and random sampling procedure was followed in picking up information from the sample units. The study depictured that in rural area aged are very much dependent on their family and somewhere on neighbor and relatives in their many sectors. Nevertheless, affluent aged has less dependency. Again, property and allowance also identify their authority and position in their family and society too. In this study the aged explicated that family support, social consciousness, govt. allowance can be helpful to narrow down the dependency problem and aged can take a better position both in their family and society.

Keywords : Elderly, Rural, Dependency, Family, Status


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