Authors : Dr. Indraj Singh; Asad Salah; Pandrangi Kalyan; Rohit Kumar Singh; Vikas Verma; Harsh Sharma
Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 6 - June
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Fluid power system is a very versatile system that can be used in various fields. It can be used in wide range of
applications ranging from industriesin which processes are automated to increase the productivity to the entertainment field
in which these systems are used to create a realistic experience in the 5 D theatres and also in gaming systems to give the
user a unique and realistic experience. Here, focus was given to the entertainment industry and a gaming platform with 4
degrees of freedom was developed that provides motion similar to the visuals running in the game as the user plays the
game to enhance the effect and provide an immersive gaming experience. The gaming system was powered using
hydraulics and a PLC with various sensors were used for control.