Adhesive bonded are already playing a significant role in the development and production of metal aircraft structures and indication are strong that such joints will be even greater importance in structures. The design is applied to analyze the parameters that influence the load transfer between the different components of the joints as well as the maximum stress in adhesive. Experimental analysis is used to investigate the shear strength behavior of aluminum alloy adhesive joint as well as rivet joints. It carried out in order to understand the effect of geometrical parameters and adhesive strength of adhesive bonding joints with the aim of optimizing shear strength. The adhered material used for the experimental tests was an aluminum alloy in the form of thin sheets, and the adhesive used was a high strength. Nine test to be studied. An experimental analysis was developed to give approximate value of load required to carry out test and shear strength of adhesive joint. Nine test specimens are testing on Universal Testing Machine. Then Compare results obtain from UTM machine. When we comparing result of adhesive joint the shear stress is observed 4.80 N/mm2, 5.10 N/mm2 and 3.44 N/mm2 having lap length 12.5mm, 18mm & 25mm respectively. When we comparing result of rivet joint the shear stress is observed at rivet position is 96.66 N/mm2 99.78 N/mm2 and 94.32 N/mm2 having lap length 12.5 mm, 18 mm & 25 mm respectively. When we comparing result of adhesive + rivet joint the shear stress is observed 4.19 N/mm2, 53.4 N/mm2 and 2.58 N/mm2 having lap length 12.5 mm, 18 mm & 25 mm respectively.
Keywords : Adhesive joint, Rivet Joints, Adhesive- Rivet joint, Shear Strength.