Design and Analysis of Hydraulic Operated Solar Parabolic Dish water Purification System

Authors : Ashish P Pawar, Pavan A Chavan, Yatin K Ghule, Kirti G Mahajan.

Volume/Issue : Volume 3 - 2018, Issue 3 - March

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Water could be a basic necessity of man in conjunction with food and air. Water resources typically out there area Unit Rivers, lakes and underground water reservoirs. regarding seventy one of the earth is roofed in water, however of all of that 96.5% of the planet’s water is found in oceans, 1.7% in groundwater, 1.7% in glacier s and also the ice caps and 0.001% within the air as vapor and clouds, Only 2.5% of the Earth’s water is fresh and 98.8% of that water is in ice and groundwater. Less than1% of all fresh is in rivers, lakes and also the atmosphere. And despite the superb quantity of technological progress and advancement that this world we have a tendency to board has undergone, roughly one billion folks, or 14.7% of the earth’s population, still don’t have access to wash, safe drinkable water. This report specifically appearance into the options, efficiency, no power consumption of parabolic reflector & water purification system. The parabolic reflector collects additional alternative energy than the flat plate reflector. It heats the water in receiver so it’s heated any through pipe water is condense so it’s sublimate. This technique is extremely economical as we have a tendency to area unit pursuit sun’s position be that the sunrays area unit sheer incident thereon. as a result of perpendicular incident of sunrays we have a tendency to have gotten most temperature so system becomes additional economical. Wehave a tendency to area unit exploitation hydraulic mechanism so once during a day we have a tendency to do manual cranking of dish at that time throughout the given time it’ll go on its own. As sun changes its direction it’ll follow permitting U.S.A. to induce most temperature. we have a tendency to area unit exploitation aluminum foil for heating. For additional temperature we are able to conjointly use silver foil but price is often enhanced.

Keywords : Solar water purifier, Hydraulic operated tracker.


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