An earthquake is a natural phenomenon that occurs in high-rise buildings, and if the structure does not have enough strength, that is, the structure must be designed and constructed correctly. To ensure the safety of high-rise buildings, it is necessary to consider seismic analysis to design seismic structures. India has four seismic zones: Zone II, Zone III, Zone IV, Zone V. Zone II is an area with low risk of earthquakes, but Zone V is an area with high risk. The building is designed according to the norm I 1893 part I: 2002. The main objective of this study is four seismic zones (Zone II, Zone III, Zone IV) using the ETABS 2015 software. The results are interpreted using different values of coefficient of zone. The response spectrum method was adopted for the analysis.
Keywords : Seismic Zones, Steel Percentage, Displacement, Shear Force, Bending Moment, ETABS 2015.