The paper describes the development of a
temperature and pulse rate monitoring with GSM
module using microcontroller. Telemedicine is the
practice of medicine remotely and the quick use of
medical information to improve patient’s health. The
paper is aimed at developing a low cost, portable Global
System for mobile Communication (GSM) module
based temperature and pulse rate monitor capable of
monitoring patients temperature and heart beats
especially for old people who can’t move around so as to
draw the attention of medical personnel in case of
emergency. The temperature DS18B20 and pulse rate
MAX30102 sensors takes temperature measurement and
pulse rate(which counts the pulse per minute)
respectively and the readings from these sensors are
converted to digital data employing an analog to digital
converter (ADC) which is proper for wireless
transmission using Short Message Service (SMS)
messages through Global System for Mobile
Communication (GSM) modem. The results are
displayed via Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) and sent via
GSM module to a pre-programmed phone number of
medical experts or close pre-programmed phone
number. The microcontroller is the central processing
unit and it interpretes the integrated circuits then sends
the data through to other components of the system. The
source code is written in programming language using
software and stores data in the microcontroller as the
central processing system of the temperature and pulse
rate. The microcontroller will receive the data and
process the data in which the results will be displayed
through the LCD and GSM
Keywords : Temperature, Pulse Rate, GSM Module.