Design and Controlling of Retrofitted 4 Axes Milling Machine for Industrial Applications

Authors : Darshan T S, Mohanambica K M, Basavaraju H.

Volume/Issue : Volume 3 - 2018, Issue 5 - May

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This paper describes how retrofitting machines are designed and implemented to overcome the requirement of the trained persons to do machine operation manually, these old outdated machines are retrofitted by inserting the proper control technology by using power electronics, electrical and programming software and present new programming technologies.. In the design, axes movements are driven by the servo motors to get a constant toque and spindle speed is driven from the spindle motors with gear system to get a variant speed and torque modes. Because of using motors and the machine control device working depending on the job’s requirement we can increase the number axes. Different sensors are used to trace out the movement of the axes and controlling of the axes movements. These sensors will send the signals to the controlling unit in order to stop or start the axes movements. Machine movements were controlling by the programmable logic controllers and the computer numerical control. PLC will support for conditional and sequential operations of the machine. Whereas CNC with help of the part programming and controlling structures the machine can do required operations.

Keywords : Computer numerical control (CNC), PLC, retrofitting, Servo drive, Servo motor. Power Supply Module (PSM).


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