This paper represents the human following trolley using a raspberry pi. A trolley automatically avoids an obstacle, and to interact and communicate with the person trolley should follow that particular person. To achieve this target the goal of our work is to design and fabricate a robot that not only tracks the target but also move towards by avoiding obstacles while tracking. To make things simpler, a unique tag is placed on the person that should be followed by trolley. A small pi camera continuously captures the images of the unique tag and continuously compares it to the original captured image. If it is matched, then trolley moves further also it makes its way to proceed further by avoiding obstacles by using ultrasonic sensors. Tag plays essential role as per as uniqueness is a concern and makes the task easy. The trolley is mechanically designed, and electrical components are also used. All processing is carried out using a raspberry pi.
Keywords : Raspberry Pi, Unique Handmade Tag, Ultrasonic Sensor, Pi Camera.