MANET is self a self-configuring network
consisting of mobiles nodes (laptop, cellular phone.
Etc )which having routing ability where each node
worked as host as well as router to forward data
packets each other in the configured network And each
one have self organization properties. The self
Configuration which enables to form new network area
quickly .Routing protocol in MANETs to support send
and receive data between the host or mobile
this paper we are doing study of reactive protocol/On-
demand(eg. AODV.DSR,TORA) and proactive
protocol/Table-driven(OLSR,DSDV,WRP) and last one
mean’s hybrid, it’s not a type, this is only combination
of earlier protocol types. These kind of protocols based
on various mobility models such as chain model,
Disaster model, small world in motion and probabilistic
random walk model with respect to various parameters
like packet delivery ratio, average end-to-end delay,
normalized routing load, throughput this
dissertation our finding show that ,design &
implementation performance evaluation of routing
protocol under different mobility model in MANET
using NS-2 simulator and Bonn-motion tools.
Keywords : MANETs, Mobility Model, Routing Protocols.