Design and Simulation of Marine Propeller with Different Blade Geometry

Authors : Ajay Baban Pawar, Tejas Santosh Petkar, Parag Sanjeev Pitale, Shibhav Shivaputrappa Salagare.

Volume/Issue : Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 3 - March

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A propeller is a type of fan that transmits power by converting rotational motion into thrust. A pressure difference is produced between the forward and rear surfaces of aerofoil shape blade and fluid is accelerated behind the blades which generates two force, one along the longitudinal direction of ship which is the axial force called thrust force and tangential force which produce the required torque. As propeller has great influence on the propulsive performance of ship, propeller design is important technology for energy saving in ship propulsion. A twin screw propeller consist of two propellers arranged side by side at the stern of the ship. Most ships are equipped with twin screws, and the propeller turn opposite ways either outward or inward. Large vessel often have twin screws to reduce heeling torque. Generally alloy of aluminium or bronze material are used for manufacturing of marine propeller. In our design we are using material for the blades which possess high tensile strength and propeller turn opposite ways either outward or inward. Large vessel often have twin screws to reduce heeling torque. Generally alloy of aluminium or bronze material are used for manufacturing of marine propeller. In our design we are using material for the blades which possess high tensile strength and corrosion resistance properties which enhance life of the propeller. Designing of propeller will be done using SOLIDWORKS 2016 and further structural analysis using ANSYS 2019. To compare the results between original and modified blade version. The main objective is to increase the thrust force using modified design using the same input power . Also, cost estimation will be done and suggestive measures will be undertaken to reduce the cost. An effective cost estimation framework can contribute to a competitive advantage.


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