Vision imparity has been a major limitation in the past. Several systems have been developed to allow the visually impaired people to easily interact with the world. The very first one was white stick which is a threesection aluminum cane. By the help of the stick vision impaired people could walk safely outside but there were limitations. After that a sonar device had been invented. A transmitter emits a sound wave which hits an obstacle. The reflected wave is received by a receiver and the interval between the transmitted time and receiving time is fed into a processor. The processor then provides the distance between the device and the obstacle as output, by this way a sonar device works. In this paper, an advance system has described which developed by a system using image processing techniques which may allow the user to communicate and interact with their surroundings with greater ease. Using an open source computer vision library, known as OpenCV, it was possible to create such a system which will act as an assistive device.
Keywords : Vision imparity, OpenCV, Image processing, Face detection system, Python, NUC kit minicomputer.