Design considerations for a low cost and
efficient Light Emitting Diode (LED) luminaries involve
numerous compromises. Factors such as efficiency,
power factor and flicker Index all present a compromise
against each other. It is conventional to employ suitable
means that make for a low cost and efficient LED
luminaire. In this paper, a driverless AC-Direct LED
luminaire with non-perceptible flicker, improved power
factor, with acceptable total harmonic distortion (THD)
characteristics is designed. With a flicker index of 0.2, it
outperforms most AC luminaires employing high voltage
switching chips, which have a typical flicker index
usually greater than 0.3. The efficiency is 88%, as against
80% achieved by most AC LED light engines. The design
has a THD of 18.79% and power factor of 0.92, this
meets Energy Star requirements for consumer products.
Keywords : LED Luminaire, Flickerless LED, Driverless, Low Cost, AC-Direct.