Design of Vehicle Cranking Counter System Redefining Automotive SLI Battery Warranty

Authors : Parag Wandale, Sushrut Mali, Tanmay Totala, Saee Shahane, Abhishek Chavan

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 3 - March

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In this paper, we present the design details of a vehicle cranking counter system device. In the current scenario battery companies give the warranty for automotive SLI battery on monthly basis. The main fatigue loading of the battery occurs during the cranking of the vehicle. The number of cranking/ignition cycles in commercial vehicles (taxis, mini trucks, buses, trucks, etc.) is significantly greater as compared with private vehicles. As a result, battery fatigue is much greater in the vehicles used for commercial applications. Thus commercial vehicle owners constitute a majority portion who claims for replacement of the batteries which are well within the warranty period. This leads to a total financial loss for the company to replace the batteries which are used heavily by this group of customers. Our project proposes the companies to give the warranty period in terms of the number of cranking completed by a vehicle, which is the major fatigue electrical load on an SLI battery during its lifetime. This would be achieved by integrating a low-cost cranking counter circuit inside the battery. By doing this the companies will incur fewer losses. The companies would be able to recognize the root cause of battery failure by analyzing the cranking data through the device.

Keywords : Vehicle Cranking, SLI battery (start light ignition), battery fatigue, commercial vehicles, private vehicles, warranty period, cranking data, DAQ: Data acquisition system.


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