As monetary delegates, banks play out an
imperative job for the working of an economy. The
reason for this paper is to look at the determinants for
bank execution of the recorded business banks in Sri
Lanka. The examination analyzes the exhibition of the
recorded business banks in Sri Lanka by utilizing the
Multiple Regression Analysis for ten (10) recorded
business banks in Sri Lanka for a ten-year time span
from 2009 to 2018 by utilizing the factual programming,
E-sees. Capital adequacy (CA), Operating expense
management (O), Size(S), Credit Risk (CR), Deposits
(D), Industry Growth (IG), Inflation (I), Economic
Growth (EG), Market Interest Rates (MIR) are
recognized as the independent variables whereas, Return
on Assets (ROA) and Return on Equity (ROE) and Stock
Return (SR) were distinguished as the dependent
variables. Three models were consolidated in this
examination to inspect the bank execution. The
consequences of the investigation expressed that the
working costs the board, size and stores essentially affect
bank's presentation while industry explicit variable of
bank industry development additionally fundamentally
sway on execution. Further, macroeconomic factors of
monetary development, expansion and market loan fee
are fundamentally sway on execution ROA, ROE and SR
as intermediary for execution of banks. The industry
specific variables: industry growth and stock return, this
investigation gives some fascinating new experiences to a
superior comprehension of the instruments that decide
the exhibition of business banks in Sri Lanka
Keywords : ROA, ROE, Stock Return, Industry Growth, Commercial Banks.