Determination and Enlarging of the Acoustic Sweet- Spot in an Auditorium

Authors : Abhiram Lg, Aman Tayyab, Ankith V

Volume/Issue : Volume 2 - 2017, Issue 7 - July

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The sweet spot is described to be the focal point between two speakers, where an individual is fully capable of hearing the stereo audio mix the way it was intended to be heard by the mixer. In the case of surround sound, this is the focal point between four or more speakers. Beyond this area, the spatial perception collapses and the since the signal arrives both louder and sooner, the stereo image moves to the nearer speaker. Different static methods exist to broaden the area of the “sweet spot”. Alternatively, the “sweet spot” can be adjusted dynamically to the actual position of the listener. Sweet spot studies would be pursued using acoustic interference and sound theory involving the alignment of the focal points of the surround speaker systems and achieve a wide area of perfect hearing in an auditorium. This paper focuses on the alignment of the focal points of the sound sources to achieve a wide area of perfect hearing.

Keywords : Dirichlet Boundary Condition, Mur’s Boundary Condition, Leapfrog Scheme, Sweet-Spot.


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