There is sufficient evidence that Information
Communication Technology (ICT) is the driving force of
economic growth, evidenced by its significant
contribution to the growth of developing countries
through provision of access to government services via
electronic government i.e. E-government. Culminate,
this leads to higher income and a greater quality of
services and life to the citizens. Given its value,
governments have thrived to ensure that affordable
universal access to ICTs is made possible to all people
within a country, regardless of geographical location
and/or financial capacity. In terms of e-government
services, adoption and usage of the network
infrastructure at an affordable price is a crucial
requirement for accessing various system resources.
Considering ICTs role in universal access, Tanzania has
concentrated mainly on the growth of the network
infrastructures. Despite the ongoing efforts, the
Municipal Council of Kinondoni of Dar es Salaam
Region in Tanzania still has a low degree of access to egovernment services. This study followed a descriptive
approach research design and was carried out by clients
and public service customers interested in using Egovernment services by the Municipality of Kinondoni
and employeesvia questionnaire tools for collecting
data.About 102people responded to questionnaire that
was followed by an exhaustive review on the SPSS
software package for statistical analysis and Excel sheets
of data collected. The findings show thatmajority of the
respondents indicates that network security awareness,
network infrastructure vandalism as well as networking
skills are main reasons for low adoption of electronic
Keywords : Network Infrastructure, E-Government, ICTs