The most common hair disorder is termed as alopecia which is frequently used to express the patterned loss of scalp hair in genetically vulnerable. Alopecia or hair loss usually occurs on the scalp; hair loss elsewhere on the body is less common and less conspicuous. Herbomineral cream is formulation indicated for alopecia after hair loss from scalp and from other part of body or entire part of body, baldness, hormonal imbalance and it contains the extract of Withania somnifera, Emblica Officinalis, eclipta alba and extract of Glycyrrhiza glabra, and along with zinc supplement (Yashad bhasma). Yashad (Jasad) Bhasma is an ayurvedic mineral-based and immuno-modulatory medicine.
Keywords : Herbo-Mineral Cream , Alopecia, Hair Loss, Oil Phase, Aqueous Phase.