In this century, course development is
springing. So, there is need to provide and maintain high
quality of teaching and learning services. This paper is
about developing and implementing of student
registration portal which aim at creating a system
whereby common educational challenges can be
undertaken without much pressure for the students or
staff. PHP and MySQL were used in the development of
the portal. This Portal is web-based designed systems
that takes care of student registration, produces
students’ blacklist, quick report of students’ result,
provision for uploading and downloading course
materials and departmental course allocation. It gives
the department more value on admission, online result,
students and staff inquiries. This system maintains all
necessary information of the department using a
centralized database which allow each staff to view
significant information from anywhere outside the
school premises
Keywords : Module, Portal, Database, Synchronous, Asynchronous, Stud Id, Black List, LMS, VLS, and DFD