India accounts for about 10% of road accident fatalities of the world every year. This makes India rank 1st in road accident related deaths. There could be many reasons which lead to the occurrence of accidents in India, some of these reasons are – unfavourable weather conditions, vehicular defects, over speeding, alcohol intoxication of the driver etc. In some cases, the accident could be minor but unfortunately, sometimes it could also be fatal and can lead to major destruction of property. The main aim of the present study is to suggest the development of a predictive model (dashboard) whose goal is to predict the number of road accidents that can occur due to each of the above mentioned elements. The methodology most suitable for this is to use data mining technologies. This vital information if given to the concerning authorities, will help them take necessary precautions to prevent the incidence of accidents thereby reducing the fatality rate and destruction caused by road accidents in India.
Keywords : Road Accident Fatalities; Predictive Model; Data Mining.