This study aims to produce an acid-base
modulebased on a scientific approach with prompting
and probing techniquesdetermine the level of validity,
practicality and effectiveness of the module.This
research includes development research withusing the
Plomp development model which has threestages,
namely the preliminary research phase,prototyping
phase and stageassessment (assessment phase). At the
prototype stageconducted self evaluation (self
evaluation), expert judgment (expertreview), individual
evaluation (one-to-one evaluation), evaluationsmall
group (small group evaluation), while the assessment
stageconducted through a field test (field test) in schools,
namely SMAN1Painan. The research instrument used
was a deep questionnairevalidity and practicality sheet
form, objective form questions anda matter of critical
thinking. The results of the module validitytest
conducted bysix validators with a mean of 0.89,
practicality by the teacheran average of 0.94 and
practicality by students in small groupswith an average
of 0.90 with a very high level of validity.
ResultHypothesis test showed a significant difference
between the resultslearning experimental and control
classes at school does not existsignificant differences in
school with student abilitiesThe low one. Hypothesis test
results show the differencesignificant between the critical
thinking skills of the experimental class andcontrol.
Keywords : Module, Acid-Base, Scientific Approach, Engineering, Probing Prompting, Critical Thinking, Modeling, Plomp Development.