This study aims to produce
chemoentrepreneurship-oriented chemistry modules
(CEP), then test the validity and practicality of the
module while expressing the entrepreneurial interest of
students. The type of research used is Research and
Development (R&D) with a 4-D model (define, design,
develop, and disseminate). The research subjects were
students of class XI SMK Namira Husada Madina. The
instrument used in this study was a questionnaire
consisting of a questionnaire of validity and practicality
that was analyzed using the Kappa Cohen formula. The
results of the validity test analysis obtained kappa
moment of 0.80 with a high validity category. The
results of the practicality test analysis based on
questionnaire responses of teachers and students
obtained kappa moments respectively 0.85 ; and 0.87
with a very high category. Percentage of student’s
entrepreneurial interest before carrying out learning
using the CEP module was 68.9% and after learning
with the CEP module the percentage of student’s
entrepreneurial interest is 84.6%. Based on data
analysis, the chemoentrepreneurship-oriented module
developed has been valid and practically used for
student learning resources as well as being able to
increase the entrepreneurial interest of students in class
XI Health Vocational High School.
Keywords : Modules, Entrepreneurship, Chemoentrepreneurship (CEP), Research and Development (R&D), 4-D Model.