When coming to the Accessibility; Cloud
computing facilitates the access of applications and data
from any location worldwide and from any device with
an internet connection. So, for medical assistance we
have choosen cloud computing networks rather than IoT
and Distributed parallel networks. In view of present
scenario Corona Virus that causes Covid’19 is mainly
transmitted through droplets generated when an
infected person coughs, sneezes, or exhales. These
droplets are too heavy to hang in the air, and quickly fall
on floors or surfaces. We are using Google& ;s cloud
platform which provides a reliable and highly scalable
cloud computing services to its users. These services help
clients compute and store data, and help developers
build, test, and deploy apps. So, we are collecting covid19 datasets from Github data source and we are going to
use deep learning models to predict and analyze covid’19
cases around the world.
Keywords : Cloud Computing, Iot, Distributed Parallel Networks, Google’s Cloud Platform, Github.