Development of Collaborative Learning-Based Science Learning Tools to Train Critical Thinking Skills and Understanding the Concepts of Grade V Elementary Students

Authors : Patmawati; Muslimin Ibrahim; Suryanti

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 12 - December

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This research aims to develop ipa learning tools oriented by collaborative learning models to train critical thinking skills and understanding student concepts on the material influence of calorific influence on the changing form of objects in grade V elementary school.This type of research is development research. The development model used is a 4D model (Four –D Model) but only reaches the develop stage. The learning tools developed consist of RPP, Student Teaching Materials, LKPD, concept comprehension tests, and critical thinking skills tests. The device was tested on grade V students at SDN Banyu Urip VI Surabaya in the 2019-2020 school year. The results showed that the validity of learning devices developed in good categories, the level of readability of student teaching materials and LKPD are well categorized, rpp implementation is well categorized, student acryvitas are improved centered on students, students give positive responses to the learning process, all students achieve complete understanding of critical concepts and thinking skills. Based on the results of the above research it can be concluded that collaborative learning-based science learning tools to train critical thinking skills and understanding the concepts of students in elementary school are worth using in learning activities.

Keywords : Science Learning, Colaborative Learning Based Learning Models, Concept Understanding, Critical Thinking Skills.


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