This study aims to produce a salt hydrolysis
worksheet based on discovery learning to measure the
validity and practicality of the worksheet. Worksheets
arranged in a discovery learning model and equipped
with multiple representations. The research method is a
research and development using the Plomp model which
consists of 3 phases, they are 1) preliminary research, 2)
prototype phase, 3) assessment phase. The subject of this
research was conducted at SMAN 5 and SMAN 8
Padang. The validity test was carried out by 4 chemistry
lecturers in Padang State University, 1 chemistry teacher
at SMAN 5 Padang and 1 chemistry teacher at SMAN 8
Padang. The practicality test (field test) was carried out
by 35 students of SMAN 5 Padang and 35 students of
SMAN 8 Padang. The result of the study found that
discovery learning-based worksheets had a validity level
of valid categories
Keywords : Discovery Learning, Student Worksheet, Higher Order Thinking Skills, Salt Hydrolysis Material.