The objectives of this study are (1) to
describe the quality of good Learning devices on
validity, effectiveness and practicality, (2) to describe
improvement in learning outcomes of fourth grade
Elementary School students by using realistic
mathematical approaches in fraction material. This
research is a development research by using 4-D model
that is defining, designing, developing and
disseminating. The validation results proved that the
learning devices is valid and ready to use. Furthermore,
the learning devices was tested by using One Group
Pretest-Posttest Design in fourth grade class of Klampis
Ngasem V Elementary School Surabaya. The results of
this development showed that (1) learning devices have
good quality because they achieved the following
requirements; the validator's assessment of the learning
devices is in a score of 4 in the valid category, the ability
of the teacher to manage learning and student activities
in a good category, that is more than 75% of students
get A score above the minimum competence criteria
(KKM) which shows that student learning outcomes are
complete, and the student's positive response to the
learning devices indicated by more than 75% of
students gave their opinion that they were happy, get
new method, clear explanation and interest in learning
this material, (2) student learning outcomes of using a
realistic mathematical approach has increased with gain
score of 0.7.
Keywords : Realistic Mathematic Approach, Fraction Material.