This study aims at the development of textbooks Pop-Up theme Environmental Education lessons and Culture Jakarta (PLBJ) Elementary School, and can increase reading interest of second grade students of elementary school. The research method used is the type of Research and Development (R & D). The researcher conducts research and development of textbook of Environment and Culture Education Jakarta (PLBJ) elementary school interactive pop-up book theme of Betawi Culture. The level of eligibility of pop-up textbooks on the subjects of Environmental Education and Culture Jakarta (PLBJ) SD is known through validation by material experts, validation by media experts, validation by teachers and trials of use by students. Assessment obtained 95.30% of subjects of material experts, media experts 96, 18% to 82% of linguists. The results of the textbook eligibility test stating that the textbook of Environmental Education and Culture Jakarta (PLBJ) worthy to be used. The effectiveness performed to test the results table of the hypothesis is the average statistical price t = 13.619 to 43 db and sig numbers. Or p-value 0.000 ≤ 0.05 or Ho is rejected. Thus concludes that there is a significant difference in reading interest between before and after the development of textbooks Pop-Up Book Education Environment and Culture Jakarta.
Keywords : Cultural Environment Education Jakarta, reading interest, elementary school students, interactive Pop-Up Book.