This study aims to describe the development
process and quality of media development which
includes the validity, practicality, and effectiveness of
the media in improving the listening skills of fifth grade
elementary school students. This research is a type of
research and development with 4-D model. Product
trials are carried outat at elementary school Genilangit
02. The results of the research on the media
development process in the define stage, design,
develop, and disseminate obtained from the results of
interviews with homeroom teachers of fifth grade
showed the relevance of the media to student
characteristics and the results of validation by experts
showed a score of 3.90. The results of the research on
media quality showed the validity of the media with a
mean of 3.66, material 3.71, and language 3.75. The
practicality of the media shows the results of 3.89
teacher responses and 4.0 on average student responses.
The effectiveness of the media shows a score of 3.83
teacher responses and 4.0 on average student
responses,an increase in learning outcomes 2.37 (23.7%)
with an increase in mastery of 30%. The average score
of student learning activities is 100%. Power pointassisted iSpring 8 media development is very feasible
with the Four-D development model so that it can be
tested. The quality of the media shows high validity of
the results of the validation test, high practicality of the
results of the respondents' questionnaires, and high
effectiveness in improving the listening skills of fifth
grade students from questionnaires and student test
results. From the research results, it can be concluded
that the media development process has been carried
out properly, the quality of the media shows high
validity, practicality, and effectiveness in developing
listening skills for fifth grade elementary school
Keywords : Learning Media, Ispring 8 Assisted With Power Point, Listening Skills