Development of Learning Content in Computer Based Media with Articulate Storyline to Improve Civiccs Learning Outcomes in Third Grade Elementary School Students

Authors : Ana Mumtahana, Maria Veronika Roesminingsih, Totok Suyanto

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 2 - February

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The purpose of this study is to produce computer-based media with a valid, practical, and effective Articulate Storyline to improve the learning outcomes of Civics in third grade elementary school students on understanding the meaning of unity in diversity in the environment. Theme 5 Sub Theme 1. This research is a research development of computer- based media that refers to the development model of 4D (Four-D Models) and tested on third grade students of SDN Alun Alun Contong I / 87 Surabaya with pretest- posttest control group design. The stages carried out in product development include the stages of defining, designing, developing, and distributing. The subjects of this media development research were students of third A grade as the control class and third B grade as the experimental class. Based on the results of the assessment of the material experts and media experts on learning content in computer-based media, the score is in the category of "very valid", "practical" learning tools based on the implementation of the lesson plan. Based on the analysis of student learning test results data shows that there are significant differences between the results of learning tests in the experimental class using computer-based media with control classes that do not use computer-based media, and the average results of the posttest score, as well as the percentage increase in the pretest-posttest value in the experimental class is bigger than the control class. From the analysis of the data above it can be concluded that the learning content in computer-based media with an Articulate Storyline is valid, practical and effective can improve the learning outcomes of Civics in third grade elementary school students.

Keywords : Computer Based Media, Articulate Storyline, Learning Outcomes, Civics


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