Development of Solar Powered Electric Wheelchair for Physically Challenged Persons

Authors : Ohaneme Cletus Ogbonna; Ufoaroh Stephen Uchenna; Nnebe Scholastica Ukamaka; Obioma Peace Chibueze

Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 3 - March

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Persons with disability face many physical challenges, including nerve and muscular degeneration, reduced motor function and balance, impaired mobility, and so on. This research work proposes a solar powerassisted wheelchair for the differently disabled low income persons living in developing countries like Nigeria. This paper envisages an electric wheelchair that is cost effective, sustainable and efficient in terms of energy consumption. This wheelchair is designed especially for the paraplegics and aged people with an aim to make them more independent. The major components of the model are: the mechanical structure, the solar panels, the DC motor, and the control circuitry. The solar panels serve the dual purposes of providing shelter for the user and also providing the electrical energy that powers the electric motor. A prototype of the proposed model was produced and tested for the design goals

Keywords : Paraplegics, Wheelchair, Solar Panel, Electric D.C. Motor, Microcontroller, Deep-Cycled Battery )


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