Development of Student Work Sheets Based on 5E Learning Cycle on Simple Harmonic Materials for Technology and Engineering Programs of Vocational School

Authors : Handono Suwarno, Agus Suyatna, Posman Manurung

Volume/Issue : Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 7 - July

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The education paradigm undergoes a shift that leads to constructivist learning, which initially from teacher-centered becomes student-centered. Constructivistic learning models emphasize the sincerity of students in shaping the knowledge that will be absorbed. One constructivist based learning method is the 5E learning cycle, which will be applied in instructional media in the form of student worksheets for vocational high schools. This development research aims to develop worksheets products in simple harmonic motion materials that are valid for vocational high school technology and engineering programs. The research design refers to the research and development of Borg and Gall until the stage of product testing. Data were collected by expert validation questionnaire, readability questionnaire, convenience questionnaire, attractiveness, benefit and test of student learning outcomes. The product of the development was tested at SMK Negeri 1 Seputih Agung, Central Lampung Regency to find out its effectiveness aspects using a non- equivalent experimental design pretest-posttest control group design. The statistical test of the independent sample t-test was used to test the truth of the hypothesis about the difference in normalized gain values of the experimental class and the control class, while the hypothesis of the average pretest-posttest difference was tested by paired sample t-test. Learning in the experimental class uses development product worksheets while the control class uses conventional worksheets. This study provides results in the form of validation of media experts getting 100%, material experts at 100%, and linguists by 100%. The average normalized gain of the experimental class is 0.4645, higher than the control class of 0.4281. The level of product attractiveness is very high at 80.87%, the high facilitation aspect is 77.86% and the benefit aspect is very high at 80.36%. Other results obtained that students are eager to do activities that can get skills that can be used for everyday life.

Keywords : 5E Learning Cycle, Student Worksheet, Simple Harmonic Motion.


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