Development of Web-Based Differential Equation Learning Media

Authors : Novi Prayekti

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 9 - September

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This research have done to describe how the development and results of the development of media defenders distance Differential Equations web based are valid, practical and effective way to improve the learning outcomes of prospective teacher students. This research was conducted using a development research method and involved 80 prospective teacher students of the Mathematics Education Study Program at the Universitas PGRI Banyuwangi who was currently taking Differential Equation courses. Based on the results of the test, evaluation and revision phases carried out, it was found that the resulting prototype was declared valid by the validator with valid criteria with small and practical revisions , based on the results of the evaluation, it was found that students could access and do all the tasks in learning media, and based on the results of the media effectiveness test, it was found that the student's response to the media developed was very good and based on the test results it was found that 85% of respondents experienced an increase in learning outcomes. Thus the resulting learning media can be declared valid, practical and effective in improving student learning outcomes.

Keywords : Web-Based Learning; Instructional Media; Differential Equations Courses; R&D; Prospective Teacher Student.


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