This study aims to increase students' interest in
learning by developing web-based learning for fourthgrade students at SDN Klender 04 East Jakarta. In
addition, website-based learning was developed to create
interesting learning so that student interest in learning
during a pandemic like this can increase. This research is
research and development which consists of 10 steps of
activities. The subjects of this research were 29 students
consisting of 3 students for individual trials, 9 students for
small group trials, and 29 students for field trials. The
instruments used in data collection were media expert
validation sheets, material experts, validation by high
school teachers, and response questionnaires for students.
Analysis of the data used is descriptive statistical analysis.
the results of the media expert's validation showed an
average score of 4.6 which was included in the very good
criteria. The validation results from material experts
showed a score of 4.65 in very good criteria. The increase
in students' interest in learning from 51.5% to 81.1%, an
increase of 29.6% stated that this development product
was appropriate to be used as a learning resource that
could increase students' interest in learning.
Keywords : Web-Based Learning, Science, Website.