The research that has been done in
developing science learning media based on Ispring
Suite 8 with four D model development model to
improve students' scientific literacy in the subject of
Sound to producing science learning media. The target
of this study is science learning media that tested on 30
grade 4 students at SDN Kandangan I / 121 Surabaya
with One Group Pretest-Postest Design. The analysis of
the results of the perceives feasible which includes
categories: (1) valid, in accordance with the assessment
of the validator to the learning media developed; (2)
practical, appropriate for the reliability of students '
learning and activities that are relevant to the lesson;
(3) effective, in according to the results of students'
scientific literacy tests that perceive all students
complete with N-gain mode and good responses given
by students. This research conclusion, which is a
science learning media based on Ispring Suite 8
deserves to improve the science literacy of primary
school students.