This research aims to find out: 1) the
effectiveness of teaching materials developed through a
constructivistic approach based on the strengthening of
character education to students in the fourth grade of
SDK Santo Xaverius Surabaya, 2) the students
responses to teaching materials developed through a
constructivistic approach based on the strengthening of
character education to students in the Classroom IV
SDK Santo Xaverius Surabaya. Subjects in this study
are students of grade IV SDK Santo Xaverius Surabaya
consisting of two classes with many students each class
is 34 people. While the object in this study is a teaching
material developed through a constructive approach
based on the strengthening of character education in the
Curriculum 2013. This research is a development
research using modification of 4-D development model
(Define, Design, Develop, Disseminate) which is limited
only to stage 3
Keywords : Teaching Materials Social Study, Constructive Approach, Learning Result