Digital Notice Board with Real Time Clock

Authors : Bhavya V, Harsha Vardhan, A Charan, Lokesh B G, Nischal R

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 4 - April

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- Scrolling led display boards are a common sight today. Most of the things are made to be digital. The usage of led scrolling display at super markets, shopping malls, bus stands, railway stations and educational institutes is becoming one of the effective mode of communication for providing necessary information to the people. But some of these units are inflexible in terms of updating the message instantly. If the person or the user wants to change the message it needs to be done using a computer at the particular location and hence the person needs to be present at the location where the display board is placed. It means the message cannot be updated from wherever or whenever. Also the display board cannot be moved to any other place because of complexity and delicate wiring.

Keywords : AT89C52 microcontroller, Wi-Fi module, 7×96 characters LED display, max232 serial interface.


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